We all know this winter has been long and drawn out. You’re probably more than ready to get going on gardening. Be patient and do not work in your planting beds if the soil is wet! Working wet soil causes compaction and closes vital air pockets. The hard work you...

Start Your Own Seeds!
Kim EllsonMar 29, '25
March can be one of those months that is neither here nor there, not quite winter and not yet spring either. Although the promise of spring is on the horizon and we are at times even treated to one of those beautiful sunny days, don’t be fooled, winter most certainly...
February Gardening
February is the time to do an inspection and planning of your yards. Here are some pointers what to look for and do now. Perennials may heave up out of the ground as temperatures warm up. If so gently firm roots back into the ground and surround the plant with...
Tags: Gardening Calendar, winter
Poinsettias - Care, Maintenance and Re-Blooming
HISTORYPoinsettia, also known as the Christmas plant, remains one of the most popular holiday flowers. With the introduction of long-lasting cultivars, the popularity of the poinsettia has increased significantly. It was introduced to the United States in 1825 by Joel Robert Poinsett, first U. S. ambassador to Mexico who...
December Gardening Tasks
A thorough lawn clean up is very important.. Rake up any remaining leaves in between snows if necessary. Heavy layers of decomposing leaves can cause disease problems and kill the lawn underneath them. Stay off frozen lawns to avoid winter damage. Sodium chloride or rock salt used to melt snow...