Dr Earth Final Stop Disease Control Fungicide
SKU: DRE1023
Dr. Earth�� Final Stop�� Disease Control Fungicide is a protective dormant spray that provides year-round disease control on trees, shrubs, lawns flowers and edibles. Our unique combination of natural ingredients kills and controls powdery mildew and other mold. Kills on contact while providing continued protection for weeks.
- A potent blend of essential oils provides fast results and controls diseases in your entire garden.
- No synthetic ingredients.
- OMRI listed for use in organic gardening.
- May be used on edible crops up to the day of harvest.
- Made in the U.S.A. from the highest quality ingredients.
- Controls powdery mildew, rust, black spot, peach leaf curl, shot hole, leaf blotch, scab, dollar spot, brown rot, fusarium blight, botrytis, downy mildew, scab anthracnose, phytophthora blight and other plant diseases.
- Available in concentrate or an easy to use hose-end sprayer that attaches to your garden hose. 32oz. sprayer covers 5000 square feet. Concentrate covers 3750 square feet with a dilution rate of 2oz. per gallon of water.
Available in 24oz concentrate liquid