Flower Mix 'Bring Home the Butterflies'

SKU: 1901

It's easy to convert your garden into a private retreat for butterflies with this mix of annual, biennial, and perennial flowers and herbs! A lovely range of flower colors, heights, and bloom times.

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. China Aster
  2. Bishops Flower
  3. Black-Eyed Susan
  4. Borage
  5. Calendula
  6. Balsam
  7. Clover, Crimson
  8. Coreopsis, Lance-leaved
  9. Bachelor's button
  10. Cosmos
  11. Dill
  12. Lemon Mint
  13. Mexican LupinePesches Flowers & Garden Center
  14. Mexican Sunflower
  15. Parsley
  16. Pincushion Flower
  17. Blazing Star
  18. Purple Coneflower
  19. Rocky Mountain Bee Plant
  20. Snapdragon
  21. Sneezeweed
  22. Butterfly Flower/Milkweed
  23. Sweet Sultan
  24. Sweet William
  25. Tall Verbena
  26. Sweet Alyssum
  27. Sulphur Cosmos
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