Potatoes 'Purple Majesty'
SKU: F2-9009
Seed Potatoes
Solanum tuberosum 'Purple Majesty'
Purple Majesty potatoes are oval with purple/blue flesh. They have a great flavor and keep their rich purple color when cooked. The natural purple pigment is due to very high levels of anthocyanin and carotenoids, potent bioactive antioxidants which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Potatoes must have well-drained, moisture retentive, fertile soil that is high in organic matter and a pH between 5.0 and 6.0. Do not use a lime soil, the soil should be slightly acid. To prevent disease problems, do not plant potatoes in the same bed as tomatoes. Potatoes should be rotated on a 3 year program. This means, you need 3 suitable sites if you want to grow potatoes every year.