Strawberry Fragaria 'Cardinal'

SKU: 5571112770


Fragaria 'Cardinal'

June bearing variety with very large sweet fruits, high yield and hardy once established. Best time to pick is when the very tip of the fruit has turned red

1) The most common method for planting strawberries is in the matted row system. Set your new plants 18-24 inches apart in rows 3-4 feet apart.
2) Allow their new runners to set in the row up to 2 feet wide, removing plants that stray beyond that boundary.
3) Be careful to keep the crowns just at the soil surface, do not plant too deep or they might rot or too shallow as they will heave.
4) Water well at time of planting and continue irrigation through September as drought stress will affect harvest. Fertilize if necessary.
5) Remove flowers the first two months so that plants produce more runners.

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