Rose 'Violet's Pride'

SKU: BR1342


The popular Downton Abbey character Lady Violet, the Dowager Countess of Grantham, is a fierce woman who always cares for and protects her family. Inspired by the iconic shades of Lady Violet's lavender dresses, the rose Violet's Pride is even more exquisite with a magenta-colored heart on the inner petals. Just as Lady Violet is known for her traditional upper-class values, Violet's Pride undeniably belongs to the aristocracy of the rose world with dense foliage, resilience from diseases and a sophisticated grapefruit and fruit-like fragrance worthy of any noblewoman. As Lady Violet was particularly proud of her garden for producing Best in Show blossoms, the prolific blooming rose Violet's Pride generates some of the most elegant buds and flowers that are worthy of first prize. The flowers are held proudly on top of a vigorous and even rounded bush.

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