How about those white, pasty, tasteless tomatoes in the grocery store during the winter? If your store offers vine ripe tomatoes, how about the price? Follow this recipe for tasty success Rotate your tomato crop with different plants like beans, lettuce or carrots yearly. If you’re limited to one planting area,...

Terrific Tomatoes Naturally
Ben HenryMay 17, '20
Tags: Natural & Organic Gardening, spring, summer, Tomatoes
Back to Nature Cotton Burr Compost
Ben HenryMay 17, '20
Healthy soil is said to consist of 45% minerals, 25% air, 25% water, 3% to 5% organic matter, and 1% live soil organisms. All of these ingredients are important, but most important are the organic matter and soil organisms. Without them, soil would be virtually sterile and incapable of sustaining...
How to Fight Early Blight
Ben HenryMay 17, '20
The month of August is almost here. Keep up with feeding and proper watering. Do routine inspections for insects. Aphids and white flies are now a problem. Early detection is the key to control. Pesche’s Garden Center offers both organic and natural controls. It won’t be long before you’re enjoying...
Organic Gardening Tips
Ben HenryMay 17, '20
Are you interested in starting an organic or natural garden in your backyard? Here are some helpful tips. Ditch the "blue" stuff You know… the stuff that prides itself on working "miracles" in your garden. Your plants do not need this to be fruitful. Instead feed with compost, fish emulsion,...
Pesche’s Green Products
Ben HenryMay 17, '20
All Seasons Horticultural Oil Concern Diatomaceus Earth Deer Scram Rabbit and Deer Repellent Jiffy Peat Pellets and Pots Lake Valley Organic seeds Luster Leaf Long Fibre Spanghum Peat Moss Fafard Peat Moss Leg Up Enterprise’s Fox Urine Livingston Seed Co. Organic Vegetables & Herbs Mosquito Dunks (B.T.I.) Mushroom Compost Natural...