Garden Help Desk » Reference

Poinsettias - Care, Maintenance and Re-Blooming


  HISTORYPoinsettia, also known as the Christmas plant, remains one of the most popular holiday flowers. With the introduction of long-lasting cultivars, the popularity of the poinsettia has increased significantly. It was introduced to the United States in 1825 by Joel Robert Poinsett, first U. S. ambassador to Mexico who...

Tags: Reference, winter

Understanding Plant Nutrition

Ben HenryMay 17, '20

Eighteen elements are considered essential for plant growth. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are primarily supplied by air and water. Plant roots absorb the remaining 15 elements from the surrounding soil. These elements are divided into three groups based on their relative abundance in plants: Primary Nutrients (or Major Nutrients, Secondary...

Tags: Reference

Salt Tolerant Plants

Ben HenryMay 17, '20

Perennials: High Tolerance Sea Thrift Armeria maritima Karl Foerster Reed Grass Calmagrostis acutifolia ‘Karl Foerster’ Helen Allwood Pinks Dianthus pulminarius x allwoodii Blue Lyme Grass Elymus arenarius Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides Perennials: Moderate Tolerance Powis Castle Artemisia Artemisia absinthium x Powis Castle Silver Mound Artemesia Artemesia schmidtiana ‘Silver Mound’ Elijah...

Tags: Reference

Rabbit and Deer Resistant Plants

Ben HenryMay 17, '20

Rabbit and deer are frequent pests in Northern Illinois gardens. While the below list represents plants they generally avoid, it is important to keep in mind that as food supplies dwindle, rabbits and deer will begin to eat things they normally would not. Rabbit Resistant Plants In general, rabbits are...

Tags: Reference

Plant Toxicity

Ben HenryMay 17, '20

The following list covers common plants often encountered and questioned for toxicity. Plants are listed alphabetically by common name, followed by botanical names. Match the number following each plant with the toxicity rating descriptions below. If you have any questions or a plant is not included on this list, please...

Tags: Reference