Garden Help Desk » winter

Poinsettias - Care, Maintenance and Re-Blooming


  HISTORYPoinsettia, also known as the Christmas plant, remains one of the most popular holiday flowers. With the introduction of long-lasting cultivars, the popularity of the poinsettia has increased significantly. It was introduced to the United States in 1825 by Joel Robert Poinsett, first U. S. ambassador to Mexico who...

Tags: Reference, winter

December Gardening Tasks


A thorough lawn clean up is very important.. Rake up any remaining leaves in between snows if necessary. Heavy layers of decomposing leaves can cause disease problems and kill the lawn underneath them. Stay off frozen lawns to avoid winter damage. Sodium chloride or rock salt used to melt snow...

January Gardening


Create a garden calendar for 2023. Make note of new plantings, pest or disease problems, successes or failures. You’ll find it not only fun but very useful for future reference. Include photos of before and after. When the winter wind whips you can enjoy thoughts of spring greenery! Get into...

February Gardening


February is the time to do an inspection and planning of your yards. Here are some pointers what to look for and do now. Perennials may heave up out of the ground as temperatures warm up. If so gently firm roots back into the ground and surround the plant with...

House Plant Pests in Winter

Ben HenryMay 17, '20

Uugghh! Bugs! Did you have your houseplants outside this summer?Did you bring any new plants home?Did you re–pot any plants recently? This cold winter our customers are bringing in an abundance of houseplant leaf samples with various insect problems. Homes that lack humidity create favorable environments for insects like spider...